Legal regulation of hunting tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Hunting tourism is a trip to hunt representatives of the wild animal world, which takes place, as a rule, outside the boundaries of the hunter's place of residence.
Hunting tourism has some positive and negative aspects.

economic development of the regions where hunting tourism is carried out;
local community support: hunting tourism can make an impact on job creation and contribute to infrastructure development in local communities;
socio-cultural exchange: hunting tourism promotes the exchange of cultural and tourist experiences between hunters and the local population.
threat to biodiversity: intensive hunting, with a lack of regulatory control, can pose a threat to local fauna
competition of values: conservation of biological diversity or the development and emergence of a new line of business
Ethics of hunting tourism: hunting is the process of killing an animal or bird just for pleasure and/or trophies
Taking into account the presence of various problems in this area, the Animal Law Center sees its task to conduct comparative legal research aimed at studying the institute of hunting tourism through the prism of national as well as international legal regulation. The areas related to hunting tourism will be subjected to an in-depth study: the provision of services for organizing hunting tours, advertising in the media and social networks, etc.
This project should be implemented during 2024-2026.

The project's authors: Aimenov N.E., Bramontov R.S., Koterlin O.R., Melnik R.S., Martynova L.S., Chekhovich T.V.
Maqsut Narikbayev University

Kazakhstan, Astana
Korgalzhinskoe highway 8
Room 219